We follow, we lead, we innovate, we create, and we communicate.....
Our days today as always, are limited... But the rush of our lives is driving us crazy.. It is only important to shine light on the way we have Forgotten Life, how we have no desire to look back historically and pinpoint what we are missing today, because we are so caught up in our current lives.
The development/invention/idea of the SOCIAL NETWORK has taken charge. These two words, have changed the way we live, changed eating habits, attitudes, behavior, relationships, and most of all our moral, and self confidence.
It has taken our lives and made it somethings we can no longer control, our communication skills are going down hill, and lives are now controlled by keystrokes, flashing cameras, and mouse clicks.
More importantly the point here, is to simply remind the reader, that this is not completely such a bad thing, but that it has irreversibly changed our lives, and has allowed us to forget our past lifestyles.
We have created a way to shorten the time between conversations, our work, and our leisure time as well. As we spend more and more time on these networks of communication, we tend to shy away from the things we truly enjoy doing. As we begin to follow, more than lead in our lives. I truly believe that the lives we share now, will continue into a path of future destruction of communication as we know it. (Maybe we will never have to talk again, computers will know what we want to say)! Just food for thought, but isn't that what we have done in today's world, destroyed the way we are meant to communicate.
We no longer enjoy interpersonal communication, we as a society would shy away from that, according to recent polls. We have shorter conversations, our language is worse off than ever before, and are more worried about what people are doing, instead of how and why they are doing these things. Again, Im talking about the majority of people, not singling out anyone. We no longer talk to one another about issues or problems, we share them to the world, allowing things to be manipulated and falsified as private information no longer exists. Most of all, we no longer value our relationships, our quality time, and personal feelings, as these networks have changed every aspect of life we grew up to knew.
No longer are telephone calls relevant, we have replaced that with text messaging, no longer is reading the same, as we read manipulated text on the internet, no longer is that friend the same now they are a (FACEBOOK FRIEND), as you only communicate in person when you stumble across each other, but post wall posts every chance you get on their wall!
Is this true for you, are you missing the times with nature, your family, your friends, your pets, your LIFE? Simply because you can't get off your phone, because you cannot stand to be without twitter for a few minutes, and those Facebook comments have you running back to check who's stalking you now? Or your to focused on how many friends you can get by simply clicking ACCEPT?
If so, don't feel bad, media, technology, and these social networks have affected the entire Globe...
My main point of it all, is not to bash on the creation of such technology, or the way it has affected our society in such ways as I stated above; but to simply show the way our lives have changed for ever... We no longer value the true friendship, or relationship, but we act like we have a substitution in these new forms of communication.
This is just a friendly reminder, that nothing will ever take place of human to human, person to person, friend to friend, brother to brother, communication. We will one day be reminded of the great importance of such simple word exchanges, hugs, emotions, that we cannot even see today. As the world always re-roots its history, and we will always be dependent of each other, not IP address's, LIKE buttons, Tweets, or photos of each other.
Hold Hands, and life will once again be WHOLE!
Feb 11'