So the other night, I had some visions.. This is far from unusual for me, as I am always dreaming, whether it's good or bad, or having thoughts run through my head that keep me up, when I should be sleeping... For the past few years, I have been working night shift, which has turned my life around, into some type of nocturnal animal.. Where I work 5 nights out the week, and I basically have one night off a week... I even pulled this off through my college years..
Since I started, my social life has taken a hit, my eating habits, and mind have taken different courses of actions, to adapt to this schedule.. This is not normal for any human, to miss nights of sleep at this rate.. It is actually proven that missing a night of sleep, alters life in ways you can see, and ways you can't.
The vision I had, was actually a happy vision, one where I called the shots, where I had more choices, a reason to do better. But this is nothing that I dont already attain in my life at the current moment.. It was a reminder.. A reminder telling me, never to settle.. Which has always been something, I have told my people to never do...
To settle, to get comfortable, with something that truly does not make me happy, but gets me by, in a way that most people see fit, but I dont... Which should be everyone's fear.. It is something that can be easily done, and easily looked over.. I say this because, I have felt in some ways that this is happening to me.. But at the same time, I have been trying my best to do better, and most importantly get out of my current situation to actually show new life, and to smile more..
All these things matter to anyone. But are rarely said!!
Its something that comes and goes during a person's life time.. The realization of a yield, or a stop sign in life... It happened to me when I decided to reconnect with my mother, that has been in and out of my life for years, It happened to me when I chose to separate myself from certain peers in high school, in order to go down the road of success I saw the most fit for me..
When this comes, you have two choices. You can take the road with the others, that seem to be pulling you with them in ways that may seem fit, and exciting, and most of the time easier...
Or you can take your road.. You can decide to live your vision out, your dream, have your own smiles.. Instead of being pulled, you push yourself into a path that makes you have a whole smile, and allows you to show people that they dont need to be pulled into anything, but instead they can be shown a path in life that conforms into something that makes them whole, while allowing them to be happy, without the filter of misguided minds... Or how I always say, "Limited Minds"
As anything that makes you happy, Its a challenge to find and attain:
Working more than most of my peers, for the past 4 years, has shown me the good and bad, of corporate America, and how tarnished the American dream has become for my generation..
But one thing I can say, is that our generation, including myself, have the will power to do better, to shape our future into something we see fit, something that is best for all of us...
Of course this doesn't go for everyone, as some are still "limited in their mind's".. Most importantly some still try to do whats comfortable, and forget that they can make new comfort by stepping into action. But some never see the light...
My vision has shown me..
The dreams have shed light on me..
That the situation that I am in, is far from what makes me happy.
Although I am happy that I have a job, funds, and a way to support a semi-living.
It is not what fulfills me.. It is nothing close to anything, that will ever complete me..
The main part of life, is in front of me, it is in my mind, my visions, and my dreams at night..
Its time to press forward like I always have, and continue down my road of happiness, but instead of walking, Its time to start running, while I hold on to what is most important to me.. The life that is for me, is right here, I see it, and Im going all in for it...
Do YOU? Are you?
MK 12'