Giving the moments in time, where the only thing I want is more time, becomes the chase of my days. Time is everything I desire, it's everything we all desire. The ironic and masked feeling of such a task becomes apparent as time moves by. The more time that passes, the more feelings we incur of it running out. Well I say run out, but inevitably "death" is what we consider the end of time, at least the share that we have physically on earth. But let's not get too technical, or religious, as that's not what I'm here to discuss.
It is possible to lose time, it's definitely possible to waste it, although I don't believe we waste as much as we think or say. Truly, the only time I consider wasted, is the time we don't spend with love in our hearts. Most time is spent worrying about things that have no eventual value for our humanity, or the people around us, for example, money, materials, worrying about the past, the future, and most importantly the things we can't control. But what is most ironic about that, well if you don't already know by now, you can't control time. Time is something we made up, I mean the original people on earth, who ever you believe that to be, I'll let science talk for that one, had no care for time, at least until they figured out, that they were dying, and that they should probably manage their time better, to figure out things to advance civilization more adequately for the next in line.
So with that being said, I often find myself thinking what is the best way to spend my time. Often I source my time, to acoustics, writings, reading, visuals, on spare time at least, on a more busier note, work for money when available, family & friends. But who cares right? Using your senses for time, doesn't everyone do that, yes indeed they do, but do they use them in a way that is self gratifying, maybe not so much.
No matter how you spend your time, there is only one way, that the time you spend here on this tiny earth, actually means something. At least I've figured out this very logic through my life, and the people in it. That the only way, to actually appreciate time, is by love, loving it, loving all of it.
Imagine spending time doing things you don't love to do, that should be easy right? Yes, because unfortunately we don't live in a "pleasantville" type of environment all the time, (if you haven't seen that film, you should check it out)... Life forces us to do things that are unfamiliar to the heart, things we don't always desire or care to do, but must do to conform, build, and create a better life, sometimes that time is even spent doing things we think are good, but are bad, or vice versa.
With that being said, the time we do have is our responsibility to decipher, make, fill-in, create, and most importantly enjoy. At times it may seem impossible, but at the end, you can't say you didn't have all the time in the world, because quite frankly you had the same opportunity of the chance of time as every single thing on this planet. So really there is no excuse to not enjoy the time we have.
Time cannot be enjoyed without love, yes I have a theme of love in most of my writings, but there is no greater characteristic on this earth, that makes everything and creates anything, even time itself.
In order to truly grasp the sense of time that we have, one must appreciate the love they have in spending it doing whatever it is that they believe is worthy of the seconds that build the minutes, the hours, days, years, life it self. All this life is worth is the time we have, so the next time you are sitting complaining about something being a waste of time, ask yourself, am I really wasting time, or am I not appreciating the love that the time has built for you to realize you have time to do whatever it is, even if at times it seems wasteful. Remember that when something seems to be a waste of time, it is usually because you have not looked at how the time is being spent, most importantly you haven't loved the way you can. As I'm sure you wouldn't consider love being a waste of time, what else would have given you the time, to love in such a timeless fashion.
MK. 15'