Thursday, December 31, 2015

Endings to Beginnings. 2015

I wouldn’t call it lucky, but I got close. I would rather call this time in my life, deserving. Through everything, and everyone I have encountered, this year was one of the toughest to face.  I lost so much, and to keep moving forward was one of the most challenging things I encountered,  But I strived, I kept moving, and along the way, I gained much more than I lost.  It’s been one amazing walk through the shadow of much doubt, indeed it taught me many lessons.  I often thought of what was, instead of what is, but I decided it was best if I looked forward, and appreciated what was in front of me, as easy as that always sounded, it was very easy to follow my own advice at times this year.

Things changed quickly, and I made sure that when I built certain things in my life back together, that I would appreciate the time spent, the emotions, and most of all, take my time with it all, so I could taste, see, and hear every moment.  That is when I decided to make sure you knew how much I cared for you, how special you are, and most importantly the love I appreciated so much, to share with you, in a time we both doubted so much.  We shared our stories, we made sure we both smiled, and understood what was, what is, and what can be, if we both put our fragile hearts together, and that is exactly what we did, we found each other at the best times in our lives.

I always pictured finding someone that would see me, all of me, and smile, it was a dream that was never fulfilled, a dream lost that I figured I found in bits and pieces, but never found appealing or fulfilling.  But you, yes you, made my dream a true reality, even when doubts set in, you insisted, but gave me the tools I needed to pay attention, and open my heart to someone that was about to show me what love truly is…

I thank you..

I remember the times before, when we would speak on things we both went through, and speak of the unimaginable things people put us through so that they could go about their lives like nothing mattered.  I remember crying, and hearing you tell me things will work out, when you could have not cared and kept on with things that were more important at that time.  But you stuck in there, and showed me all the effort, that was once a burden on my shoulder, for so many years with so many different types of people, and you lifted it, making me feel like a brand new person.

You allow me to continue being myself, with no changes, with no exceptions, you give me the opportunity to love the way I want to love, and you build off smiles & laughs, I love you, everything about you.

With that being said, I want you to know as we walk into 2016, I see nothing but great things for us, we must work, and continue loving as deeply as we both do.. For not only us, but for everyone in our lives, for our family, for our future. Everything we want is right here, right now, everything else is just extra.  Along the way, we will look back and tell this story of how we built such a great love, and people will ask, “how did you two do it”, and the answer I would tell them, is that everything happened naturally, and we never compromised each other for the love we shared.

I am grateful, for you and Logey, and I’m so excited for what is in store for us three, as we live out life, and figure out our ways through it, to try and continue staying happy. 

As the new year starts, I could talk about myself, and what I want, but the only thing I could honestly think about is us, my family, and that is the most incredible and realest feeling I have ever shared with anyone.

Thank you for all the time you never took for granted, and shared with me, I will be forever grateful for what you have shared with me, and allowed me to be part of, such a heart never goes unnoticed. 


MK      15’ 

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