Thursday, December 31, 2015

Endings to Beginnings. 2015

I wouldn’t call it lucky, but I got close. I would rather call this time in my life, deserving. Through everything, and everyone I have encountered, this year was one of the toughest to face.  I lost so much, and to keep moving forward was one of the most challenging things I encountered,  But I strived, I kept moving, and along the way, I gained much more than I lost.  It’s been one amazing walk through the shadow of much doubt, indeed it taught me many lessons.  I often thought of what was, instead of what is, but I decided it was best if I looked forward, and appreciated what was in front of me, as easy as that always sounded, it was very easy to follow my own advice at times this year.

Things changed quickly, and I made sure that when I built certain things in my life back together, that I would appreciate the time spent, the emotions, and most of all, take my time with it all, so I could taste, see, and hear every moment.  That is when I decided to make sure you knew how much I cared for you, how special you are, and most importantly the love I appreciated so much, to share with you, in a time we both doubted so much.  We shared our stories, we made sure we both smiled, and understood what was, what is, and what can be, if we both put our fragile hearts together, and that is exactly what we did, we found each other at the best times in our lives.

I always pictured finding someone that would see me, all of me, and smile, it was a dream that was never fulfilled, a dream lost that I figured I found in bits and pieces, but never found appealing or fulfilling.  But you, yes you, made my dream a true reality, even when doubts set in, you insisted, but gave me the tools I needed to pay attention, and open my heart to someone that was about to show me what love truly is…

I thank you..

I remember the times before, when we would speak on things we both went through, and speak of the unimaginable things people put us through so that they could go about their lives like nothing mattered.  I remember crying, and hearing you tell me things will work out, when you could have not cared and kept on with things that were more important at that time.  But you stuck in there, and showed me all the effort, that was once a burden on my shoulder, for so many years with so many different types of people, and you lifted it, making me feel like a brand new person.

You allow me to continue being myself, with no changes, with no exceptions, you give me the opportunity to love the way I want to love, and you build off smiles & laughs, I love you, everything about you.

With that being said, I want you to know as we walk into 2016, I see nothing but great things for us, we must work, and continue loving as deeply as we both do.. For not only us, but for everyone in our lives, for our family, for our future. Everything we want is right here, right now, everything else is just extra.  Along the way, we will look back and tell this story of how we built such a great love, and people will ask, “how did you two do it”, and the answer I would tell them, is that everything happened naturally, and we never compromised each other for the love we shared.

I am grateful, for you and Logey, and I’m so excited for what is in store for us three, as we live out life, and figure out our ways through it, to try and continue staying happy. 

As the new year starts, I could talk about myself, and what I want, but the only thing I could honestly think about is us, my family, and that is the most incredible and realest feeling I have ever shared with anyone.

Thank you for all the time you never took for granted, and shared with me, I will be forever grateful for what you have shared with me, and allowed me to be part of, such a heart never goes unnoticed. 


MK      15’ 

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

What's True

Take it, granted
Time, everything,
we have, 
little known
who, you, 

Try, give,
Smile, Cry,
quick, quiet,
here, gone,
Fails never.

Heals all
warm, cold

believe you,
beginnings, end
get through.

Other side,
over there, here,
break, make 

so far, near,
what's true.

MK  - OCT 15'

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

To just live, just be.

Pulled out the archives. 

I've always had this notion of life that seemed to caress others in comfort. Always seemingly having the real, people searched for, and if I couldn't provide it I would find it in them to show the both of us.  It has been something that has carried me in life, and most importantly attracted the most important people to my life, to me. I'm not sure what it exactly is, but I know the relationships of my past, have shaped the way I view life differently than most of my peers. With that being said, it has always been very important to me to love who was in my life to the fullest extent. Although I haven't necessarily done the best at just that, I consider myself a good person. I've had many opportunities to show who I am, and what I stand for to many different walks of life, and for the most part, it has been an enjoyable journey so far.

Taking chances has always been something I've flourished in. Being the type of person that never cared what others thought about my path, I always went along my own way. I honestly believe to find ones way you must follow your heart, not the heart of others. But this bears the question, that I am now being force fed by life, when you love some one so much, what direction do you take?   

I have forever wanted to build a family and get married, but honestly never truly talked much about it.  I didn't want to scare anyone away, including myself, from such a big step.  I always believed it would be something that would come when it came, something natural something you wouldn't have to ask for.  But I've been faced with much different over the years.  

The family thing is just an example of thoughts I shared with myself, reserved thoughts saved for the one I would love with my all.  Over time life has taken me in so many directions, to the most part comfortably and very low key.  But lately, I have been faced with troubled times, individually and other things that are out of my control, but mean a lot to me.  As I think daily of where I'm at now, I reflect on the times, I was truly happy, the moments that seemed natural, and nourishing. Things were going oh so well, and the part I think of the most at this given moment, is how bad I failed to keep it all together.   I had always searched for answers, stressed over the small things, and seemingly overlooked the picture that was in front of me.  I over focused, I didn't take enough steps back to picture what I had, and how lucky I was. That proved to be very costly, and equated to where I stand now. Alone.

When I mention alone, I'm talking much deeper than the word at face value.  One must understand that I have a core of people I can talk to, and so forth, but most of those people are in different stages of their lives.  Surprisingly enough, I was keeping up with where I was supposed to be for some time, I had it made.  But I stumbled somewhere, and unfortunately I have no idea where.  I can say this though, this moment in my life, has shed light on how fragile things always are.  The sense that we have a grasp on anything in life, is foolish to me now.  As much as I tried to hold on, and carry myself with the things I love the most, I found out that those things/people can go their own way, and change their minds quicker than you can realize. It can be a positive thing, or a tragic situation that you only realize when it's too late to fix.  Now I'm not saying anything on the terms of, things not being fixable, or impossible to mend back together.  But, I am implying the simple notion that once it's too late, you realize how easily you forgot, how extraordinary simple things, turned into the hardest emotions in life. As when things are going good, you feel in control, and when things in your mind are bad, the fragility of life begins to pour through your thoughts, almost as if you were reborn again. 

During such time you begin to see yourself, all of you, although it's hard it can be rather refreshing & needed.  You begin to see people go about their lives, while you are trying to mend the pieces back together.  As they should, I don't expect anyone to stop walking their paths, not for me, not for my issues.  But, it is difficult to watch the difference between people on your side when you are doing well vs. when you're not up to par with your or anyone else's expectations. 

I've made many mistakes, I'm not proud of, that sometimes painted a picture of me, that was a distraction of who I really was. I also have made many great impressions on people over the course of my life that have brought many people into my life. Sometimes I didn't give everything I had, but most importantly, now when I am faced with this chapter, I am trying my best to mend the pieces of my life together again. I am trying my best to realize that my path is still good, and one that I can prosper with, and have a decent future ahead of myself. 

Crazy though, some days feel like the end, some feel like a new beginning, but mostly feel lost.  I wonder some days if what I've done for others has helped, shown them that their are some good people out here that genuinely care about others.  As if their aren't enough thank you's and nice things to say now a days .. But that's not for me to sit and worry about, it is though something I think of at times.  Especially times such as these, I must say that the things I've thought about have brought justice to the times when I couldn't spend time thinking on such questions. 

With all the time in the world, the most time alone, to think, to work on me, that I've had lately; I've often thought of all the time I gave others and continue to give. I ponder on the thought of why I even feel the way I do, why it has seemed as if everyone that once was, now questions me, as if I've changed, when really things in my life changed in a way many don't seem to purely understand. Which really isn't their responsibility, but when they question me, when I tell them how and why, I am the way I am now, they should at least consider what I say.  But that's slim to none, and most of all, the biggest thing that has diminished is the effort of people including themselves in my life, The ones I thought did that effortlessly before, seem like I'm just out the way for most of them now.  With that being said, I can understand that's how life is, and sometimes your calling is to walk alone, truly alone, until you can find your path again to be around people that truly want to be around you, and enjoy being in your life. 

The hardest part of it all is adjusting to the fact that life goes on, and no matter what is going on, you must walk forward.  At least for me that's always been the case, I've had no problem before, I shouldn't have one now. I try my best daily understanding that I love, honor, and cherish my life, and everyone in it, but there have been times lately where I have noticed that people push you to be selfish at times.  It pushes you to question your emotions, and the selfishness you pick, when honestly others cause you to think in such ways.

The mistakes, the problems I have caused, I apologize, forgive me if I ever drove anyone away from me, my life.  It is never anything I wanted, but I realize how important it is to keep going, to stay true no matter who wants to be in your life, no matter who pays attention.  The fragility of emotions becomes a thing I must conquer and I can say that though everything, I have been making strides on understanding, what it is I need to do, where I need to go.  The direction of my life, is definitely led to many questions, sometimes doubt, but never a sense of failure, or giving up.  Although the feelings of pain, hurt, and being alone, sometimes haunt my ever running mind. I must continually work on myself, to move forward, from everything that may hold me down, everything that will not move me in the direction I need to take myself. 

I know why I’m here, I know why I’m up at this time of the night, I know why I can barely sleep, I know the reasons upon reasons.  I just don’t know why I even reason.  Because when you break down all the reasons, you end up only stepping back from the true reason of you.  To just live, to just be.

When life seems to change almost all it’s normal ways, you realize what you had, is only what you thought you had, and was temporary life, just as temporary as we all are.  

It is important for me to recognize what is, what I can control, the true love that is within for such life, for such a future, so that I can ready myself for when it is right in front of my face.  So that when it does show up, I will know, I will be better prepared. I can show myself, standing in front of the life I've worked for, and show life, that I’ve come with dedication to keep it going, and move forward. 

*Thank you to all, that try to continue to love, to stay true, giving their all to those they love.  It is important to never let go, to continue trying on the simple reasons we begin and always will love someone.  Never lose focus, on what carries the love you have for yourself, as it is something that someone else will one day love you for, forever.  



Wednesday, July 22, 2015

I told you it was Beautiful

I remember when I would go to sleep,
thinking of us, mastering out our next visit,
when I could see your beautiful face, listen to your voice,
Your presence was one that always gave me joy,
Like never before, as I would tell you randomnly,
I love you, I miss you, Wish you were here,
Ask you during the day what you were doing,
How is your day, hope all is going well my love.
I can remember being missed, your calls, the random acts,
The kindness, the innocence, we shared,
The arguments, our smart ass mouths,
Yap yap yap, as we had no worries, because we knew,
Love conquers all.

Nothing was awkward, even our silence was amazing,
Helping each other along the roads we discovered together,
Backbone they say, I like to think of it a bit deeper than such,
My life’s reflection, everything I’m not, everything I wish I could be,
with me, always beside me, loving me.
Something so real, a real that once we knew, only we cared about,
Giving my all, showing I cared was most important,
Every time I saw you, it reminded me of my dreams,
I told you it was beautiful, I told you we were beautiful.

Those days, even these days,
My heart always gives my all for you,
We can let these days go by, as long as we are ok,
I’m comfortable telling you all the things I’ve always felt,
Always have been, I thank you,
Letting go of the old things, to move on to better times,
I think of all the good, we can create for us,
The pressure of life can distract you,
But it never takes away from the core, the real, the love,
We share,
When I realized we were a team,
no matter where we are, we are two that,
Help one another get happy, find a way, find life,
In one another,
for that I love you, for that I will forever care for you, 
I will forever be by your side,
As I always told you, you were the one that I never wanted see go away.

Although you have decided what is best, for you,
I have struggled, but prospered,
Understanding love so much more, on a level higher than ever before,
lost thinking of you, just how I was when I first met you.
Wondering how you are, wishing I was with you, hoping to hear your voice,
hear you say I miss you, call me sweet names, as you always did,
making me feel everything would always be alright.

But that is not what unfolds,
I think, I wish, alone mentally,
because of what is,
But, I go back and think how easy it was,
to be by your side when we first met,
I remember the countless things, you would tell me,
I’m the man of your dreams,
The one for you, family, kids, all of the things I always wanted, and longed for,
Graces my thoughts,
Thoughts of our future, thoughts of now, thoughts of tomorrow,
I just want you to be happy,
with or without me,
as I never imagined the day,
I couldn’t seem to make you happy,
Just like I never saw the day,
I would have the chance to love you.

No matter what, everybody is someone’s everything.

I hope you find the happiness you are searching for, as I will be smiling, knowing   It can definitely be found. Just hold on to it when you find it, as that is the only way to understand, the beauty of life. 



Friday, June 26, 2015

The Definitive Thank You!

Sometimes in life, you must take a step back, refocus, and get your mentality back.  This was something I needed, and had to do.  For the past six months, I have struggled with many emotions, and life in general, as I saw many things I once lived for, change in front of my eyes. But with that being said, I never looked at this as failure, although I did at times, have much self-doubt pour over me, it never brought me to the point of feeling defeated. I credit this to my friends, my father and myself.  Through out these tough times, I have never in my life seen the support and kindness from others, when I was at my lowest.  Although I did see some vanish and do everything but what they once said they would, as for being a friend.  I never looked at that part as an issue, but more of an eye opener. It opened my eyes, to the true care of some of the few people in my life, that once were a distant memory, some new, and some most of all were always there.

I took a step back in life yes, I removed myself from social media, yes, I didn't communicate as much to many of those vanished people, yes, but I stayed true to those that showed love.  Most importantly I stayed true to myself during such times, when everything seemed to go the other direction.  This is the true victory, on this day, on a day when I was shown why I always strive, why I always stay confident, why I express myself the way I do, love and work as hard as I always have.  Dedication is the word I'm looking for, dedication to myself and those that are dedicated in such ways as well.  

Although I celebrate a victory today per say, this is not about me, as this is for the ones that have been by my side,  that have motivated me, talked to me when no one else would, kept me on their minds when I could have sworn, people were turning mindless.  These individuals helped me reestablish the once memory of great friends, and have stood the test of these emotional times with me.  I am forever grateful for such people, such friends, that I can say have seen me through the roughest times.  They have made this day possible for me, always having me looking forward, reminding me that this day would come, kept me humble, and patient through it all, so I thank you for that, with my all!

The countless nights, I sat up thinking and needing to talk, the times I wanted to be alone, cry, and laugh, just ride around and get out of the house, or just have some company, these few people made me smile.  On a individual level, it has been a lonely year, for many reasons, but on the other hand, I have gained some great friendships along the way.  I'm proud to look back on this time, and say, I don't look at it as such a bad thing anymore, that I can smile because of you all. 

No matter what, I understand that my life has changed, but this isn't the first time, and surely won't be the last.  So much time to self reflect and understand my life, from an angle I never had the chance to look from, which showed me so much.  The most important take away from it all, are two things. 

  • Life has a unique way of showing you, where you need to go, what you need to do, and who you really are.

  • Sometimes we must lose ourselves, before we can find anything.

I must thank a few people:

Dad: You have spent a lifetime, being here for me, I will spend the rest of my life, loving you and thanking you for just that.  The patience you have shown me, motivating me, always making sure I was ok, during everything I have expressed to you, woke me up daily, and allowed me to sleep peacefully, even minutes between that weren't so happy. We have spent so much quality time together since I've been home, and it has really opened a new chapter in our lives, thank you for just being so opened armed no matter what I choose to do, the father role you take on, is and always will be the same, for that I love you, and appreciate you every moment we share. 

Cecilia: Where can I begin, I have known you since you were 9 years old. Through out the past few years, you have always been someone I could talk to, about anything.  Who would have known that I would be in the position I was in.  As a friend, you are the epitome of just that and more, family, someone I can cry in front of, laugh with, and most of all, always feel accepted.  As I step into whatever chapter ahead of me, always know, I am always here for you, for anything, you can count on me, just like I always counted on you.   Thank you for being patient, with my talks, and understanding where I was coming from.  Thank you for checking up on me, as for I can remember there was not a day you did not check up on me for about 3 years now lol.  For all your time, has been appreciated, and definitely noticed for a lifetime to come. My friend, I love you, and always wish nothing but the best for you.

Bibbins: Bro, I know you're not to be reading thank you's and all, with your hard heart haha, but I appreciate all you have done over the past years we have communicated.  Through this patch of time, we have brought our business together and still made moves, you motivated me, to keep my part of the label alive, and you kept me busy when I had no work to do.  The late night advice, and talks over lunch, unforgettable, and even if you already know, helped me and I can say brought our bond, and business relationship even tighter. So to you thank you brother, and to our company, may it prosper, and do everything we always dreamed and continue dreaming of accomplishing with it. AME!

Chris, Debra, Amanda, my god children: thank you for everything, the times we shared cooking out, hanging out laughing and just having a good time, really helped me cope with a lot of the things I was going through, you all have no idea.  When all was gone, you all were there.  I appreciate that, and I hope I have done the same for you, and will continue doing as much as I can going forward.  Love you all always.

Matthew: For everything it's worth, our talks have been some of the most heartfelt I have had in some time with you over this period.  You almost had me tripping for a minute though, you know what I'm talking about.  But we already discussed that one.  Bro, you have gone out your way for me, always, for years now.  I appreciate our friendship, rare to find, love you man. Thanks for guiding me, as you always have. 

Diandra: My friend, we got reconnected on the fly, but it was so needed, as we were both going through hard times.  This reconnected friendship has been one, of importance for the both of us.  We have helped each other so much with our issues, and we both are on the right path for now.  If anything, I know I can always reach out to you and ask for advice, thank you for being one of the few that was concerned for me daily, and always cheering for me. I have definitely gained a life long friend! Much love!

Randy:  Man!!!! I just thanked you a few weeks ago, but you have always had my back through all this.  Thank you for trying daily to reach out, and most importantly all the things you did to try to land me on the right path.  You are all the way in Atlanta, and some of the work you did for me, was felt right at home. I thank you for being a true friend for over 7 years now, and showing how friends really should be.  Love you bro! I owe you!

Nikki: As times have shifted so have many things about life. But that doesn't take anything away from the friendship and love you showed me over the years.  Thank you for being a ear, and voice for me through everything.  As when I look back, their weren't many days I could have gotten through without you there. I hope all is well with you, I'm proud of you always.

Austin: Cuzzo, I don't have to say anything, other than I know you will always be here for me, as you damn sure know I'm here for you always as well. Love you family!

Brittany: One of the few that checks on me daily, I thank you with everything I have.  I appreciate the times I shared with you and your family over the times, I had fun, we had fun, that was special. Funny how things can sometimes bring us closer although we have been friends for over 10 years now lol. Love you hun! Thanks for always being there to talk to!

Tarver:My brother that has seen me through it all, thank you once again for being there. I look forward to what is ahead for the both of us, I will see you soon enough. Much love family.!

Megan: always someone I can count on to hear me out, and the same goes to you,  Thanks for all the wise words, the motivation you provided me, and most of all a friendship that has represented what a true friendship is. I always wish the best for you and logan. Love ya!

Casey: I can never count you out, as you have always had my back. Simple yes, but a friendship of a lifetime! Thanks for all the advice! Love ya! As I am always thinking of you and yours!

Josh:  The trip to Miami, was the first time i had quality time to spend with my life long brother.  I love you to death, and I appreciate you always being there even though you are miles away, I always feel at home when we talk no matter the distance. I love you brother!

If and when someone calls me out for leaving them off the list, remember, I have not forgotten about you, although some should ask, have you forgotten about anyone?  I love you all as well..

Bitterness has no place in my life.  As I remain humble, and remember all people for what they were worth. 

I'll end with this

I've learned that who doesn't look for you, doesn't miss you, doesn't care for you....
That destiny determines who enters your life, but you decide who stays...
That truth hurts only once, and a lie every time you remember one...
Three things in life that will leave you and never return,
Therefore, value whoever values you, and never treat those as a priority, that treat you as an option.

Thank you!

MK  15'

Sunday, June 21, 2015

To The Most Deserving

I can say so much about you,
Think of memories, 
That gave me life,
Opportunities to smile,
Chances to learn, and grow,
Freedom, that made me who I am.

Thanks to you for the memories,
of a love that has been life long,
naturally pure every step of the way,
the way everyone should love,
care and heart that I've never found,
in anyone else, through the path,
of the life we've shared, together.

Time, well I'm sure in your eyes,
It's gone quicker than I can ever imagine,
You've always been there,
Preparing me, guiding me,
ever so slightly, showing me,
what means most in the life,
you have come to know, and understand,
for this at it's core,
Is one of the hardest things,
To genuinely find in anyone, in my world.

Father, Dad, Pops, Mike,
are the names you go by,
there is no one else more grateful,
Appreciative, and honored,
to have a man of your character,
to call upon, with such well deserved,
life titles, to describe who you are,
What you stand for, who you mean most to,
the father of my thoughts,
the one I think about when I walk every path,
the man that has been through it all,
not only for me, but with me,
for that you're forever loved, by me,
Your son.

Through out my days, 
I've seen you transpire into, 
My best friend, 
a relationship that if simply explained,
would be only simply understood by most,
but be sure, the dedication,
You have shown me in everything you do,
has built me to be who I am,
When I stand in front of you,
it is the sole result, of just that,
Our family, our lives, built by a father with,
love, and great instincts, 
that over time, I've been grateful,
To understand, as the purest love of all.

Everyday I'm reminded of you,
No matter the path, 
no matter the choice,
but what stands out the most,
Everyday, I always have my father,
I'm never left knowing nothing about you,
always knowing I can reach you,
As you are always right there with me,
making sure I'm loved, and smiling.

On a day, they call your day,
I want you to know,
that everyday at it's core,
Is your day, to me, your son,
I always want you to feel,
That everything you have shown me,
I strive to show you as well,
So that along the way,
You always will understand,
The father you are,
The man you are,
The quiet heroics, 
that I appreciate, that I admire,
as I will always be here for you, 
when you need,
The love, the son, you gave your all to,

As I am, forever & always,
Your son, 
to the most deserving,

Happy Father's Day Pops!

MK. 15'

Friday, April 10, 2015

Closures & Reconnections

This recent week has brought me so many emotions, fulfilling so much for me.  Many are asking me how my recent trip to Miami was, questioning my reasons, and moments I shared for such a random trip to a place I once called home, and still do.  I wanted to share my experience because it is something that has captured me for recent weeks, and especially while I was down there, so that my readers can understand a few things about me, and life respectfully, and maybe shine some light on how life can be something we must grasp on to, and not let grab us.

For starters, I will fill you in, on how this recent trip became something I felt I needed; wanted to do.  For years, my mother and I have had a relationship that I have shined light on to many people, as being strange, and lost, a relationship that for a long time truly never existed. After moving to South Carolina, my mother's life become something of a lost cause to me.  She became someone that was distant, and I always felt she wanted nothing to do with me, unless I acted on talking to her, or going to visit. It's been 15 years since I moved away with my father, I can count on two hands how many times she has called me, and most importantly she never has visited me over the years.  I struggled with this for years, and sometimes still do, but I have found a few key things along the way that have helped me cope with the fact that our relationship will forever be different.  Through the pain, and hurt over the years, I decided a while back that it is only reasonable to see her, and talk to her when I can, when the time is proper for me, because when I tried to give my all, the time felt wasteful, and pointless.  But, with that being said, I still keep in contact with her, and visit her every few years, when I can.  The interest for me to talk to her, has declined over the years, as I believe that interest fell off because of natural feelings, feelings I could never control, because of the way she treated me over time.

With that being said, I decided about a year ago, to reach out to my uncle, my mother's brother, and I can't say that was easy either, as it had been 18 years or so since I last saw him.  We have exchanged emails over the years, but lost touch through all that.  But this time something was different, I felt a emotion from my uncle, one that I have never felt from anyone down there in so long, the feeling of being missed, the sense of family, that someone wanted to actually see who I was after all these years, and most of all, love.  It was strange at first, as I told me uncle not to expect much out of me, but he reminded me that he was there for me no matter how I felt, and that all he wanted was to be in my life again.  We exchanged a few emails over the course of two months, and then we spoke on the phone one day, and everything seemed normal, as if he was always there.  The feeling was unexplainable, but it reminded me of something powerful that has always been there within me, the feeling of always being there for my family, and the people that I love.  Yes, I love my family, even if they are not there for me, or a big part of my life, I knew I had to give this a chance, to fill the void I always had within me, and the void I knew he shared for the both of us.

We talked about life, how things were going for the both of us.  We talked about the memories we shared of each other, I even called him the nickname I gave him when I was a child, as he was always  one of my favorite people.  We exchanged pictures, as I saw him 18 years later, and I saw his children as grown men now, when I remember them being infants, and I thought to myself, I wonder how he feels when he sees me now at 26, that feeling is the same for both of us.  I asked him about my mother, and they hadn't talked in years either, we have both been lost when it comes to our relationship with her for so many years.  He then told me about my grandmother, which is my last living grandparent and told me she was doing ok, but had been developing a serious case of memory loss and other complications at the home he had her in for her care.  I didn't know how to take that, because my grandmother and I, probably had one of the worst fall outs years ago when I was young, as I always viewed her as a hateful person that found everything to bring people down.  I haven't spoken or seen my grandmother in over 18 years either.  My uncle also informed me that my mother has not seen her in over 10 years, which was something that took over me; for the simple fact that was her mother.

A few months went by, and somethings have happened in my life since then, lost my job which I still am struggling with, and other things that aren't appropriate to mention on here. My life took a major turn in the past few months, which in turn has given me nothing but time on my hands to figure out things I needed to do.

My uncle called me last week, and informed me that my grandmother's health was declining fast and most likely wouldn't last much longer.   I texted him back and told him, I would be down in a few days.  He told me that her state was one of no life except breathing, and she would have no idea I was there, or anything else.  That was hard for me to grasp on to, not specifically for me, but for the other side of the equation, my mother, that's what I thought about.  The only thing I could think about was my grandmother is about to die, and my mother will not have any closure with her mother.  I thought about all the things I have done and continue to do, to make sure I always have some type connection with my mother no matter what for this exact reason, the reason of closure and understanding what is, family that is, and you only get one mother!  I called my mother and spoke to her for the first time in 4 years, and told her I was on the way down there, and informed her that her mother was in bad shape and was not going to make it much longer, we spoke for a few minutes, and I told her I would see her soon.

So I planned the trip and went down there, on Sunday, as I reached Miami I felt at home and at peace.  I knew what was ahead was going to be difficult, not only for me, but for the remaining family I have there, which is not much.  But by doing this, this task I placed in front of me, I would bring together a family that hasn't been a family in so long, and even if it was for just a day, it would be everything the three of us needed, moving forward.

After hours of traveling, the first night I was down there, I drove from the hotel room to the address my mother texted me, not knowing what to expect, as she has gone through so much in recent years.  She told me that her friend would let me in, as he did when I told her I was downstairs. I walked up to the apartment where she was at, this place looked so bad, from the start.  I was shocked, knowing where my mother came from, to see her in such a situation, she opened the door, and I she smiled, and gave me hug, as she was at the door holding herself up with the assistance of a walker device, as hard as it was to see her in such condition, I held my emotions together and talked to her, by her side. As we talked about random things, I told her that I was going to take her to see her mother, and we would have to go to her brothers house to see her, two people we both haven't seen in years, especially longer for me but that didn't matter to me, as I knew the real purpose behind it all.

The next morning, I went back to North Miami to pick her up, as she struggled to get in the car with her fragile body, we went to my uncles house, in Ft. Lauderdale.  We spoke the whole way there, about life and other things, as we arrived at the door, a feeling of emotions came over us, as my uncle opened the door.  I know we both felt a feeling of family that we haven't felt together, in such a long time.  Doing this with my mother was one of the best feelings I could ever imagine, bringing her to see her dying mother, was the best thing, I could have ever done as a son, as a man.  My uncle was excited to see us both, but I was so excited to see someone that had been a stranger in my mind for so long, and I always wondered about, as I did for my mother for so long as well.  The feelings were mutual all over, as we looked at his house, and met his wife which was taking care of my grandmother during her struggle, we walked into the room to see my grandmother, the three of us together.  We stood by the bed, as my grandmother, and their mother, was laying there looking lifeless, as someone I hadn't seen in almost 20 years, it thought about the good times, I thought about the times that once left me because I didn't know her for so long.  I stood there, as they talked about their mother, and felt so lost, knowing she would die, never knowing how I looked, who I became, what I stood for.  I thought about her not seeing my mother of so long, and the feeling my mother must have had.  I stood there, the feelings poured, mentally I could imagine that happening to me, and knowing I would never let that happen to my mother, for that's the reason no matter if other people never tried to be in my life, I tried, for the reasons that were right in front of me at this moment, as I imagined my mother on that bed, strangely enough.

As we connected through out the day, for that one day we felt like a family, and it was everything we desired.  I knew none of this would be possible without my taking the actions I did by coming down.  My uncle told me that he was proud of the man I had become, that meant the world.  I thanked him for everything, and we left so I could take my mother back home.  My mother told me as I dropped her off, that for years I reminded her to be in her mothers life no matter the differences, because a day would come when it could be too late, she thanked me for taking her, as she cried on my shoulder, that she had closure with her mother, and that she was so happy I was with her for that moment in time.

The next day my grandmother passed away at my uncles house, as if she was waiting on us, I was not expecting it to happen so fast, but people wait for things like that when they are struggling to hold on to life.  My mother was hurt, and I was there for her, as my feelings about the situation were concentrated on her and how she was, I know I brought her comfort through such pain, as for my uncle as well.

With all this being said, I want to tell who ever is reading this, that I understand how it can be to be lost, as the only child, I have only truly had one figure in my life, that has always been there for me.  My father, as everyone knows, I love and cherish him to death, but over time, I figured out that giving my all to people I call family works in the end.  Even though I rarely feel any love from other parts of my family, I have built up my own ways to deal with that, and have a core of people around me that I cherish and will do anything for.  That keeps me going, that keeps me from being alone, and through all that, I will always try to give my best to those.  No matter what my mother does, or ends up, I will always be here for her, as I understand how fragile life is.

The choices we make, do not always lead to success and riches, and no matter what, everything can be gone in a matter of one moment, one choice.  People, need each other, although my mother has changed so much over the years, she will always be my mother.  I am so glad that through the years, I grew to understand this, understanding that my relationship with her, even at the smallest parts of it, means so much to me, and that I hope the same thing for her.  I hope she knows that no matter what I love her, and she always has someone here for her.  As for when I feel alone, I think to myself I could be in my mothers position, with no one around, and that hurts, but I showed her that she is never alone.

The same goes for my uncle.. I love you. Thank you for reaching out to me, and making me feel like family again, as one of my goals this year was to rebuild the family we once had.  They're not many of us left, but we have to make whatever we have work, to whatever capacity we can.

I had closure with my grandmother, as I know she knew I was there, but more importantly I had closure by knowing I still have a family on my mothers side. May she rest easy now.

Remember to always cherish the ones you love.  Someway, somehow, always keep them as close as you can, as family should never be taken for granted, so many people I know can work on this, especially family I have, never forget this, as it's something I've lived and experienced to the fullest.

Always love & continue loving those you care for.

My trip to Miami.

Thank you to the ones that made this possible for me. You know who you are!

MK' 15

Thursday, February 26, 2015


Giving the moments in time, where the only thing I want is more time, becomes the chase of my days. Time is everything I desire, it's everything we all desire. The ironic and masked feeling of such a task becomes apparent as time moves by. The more time that passes, the more feelings we incur of it running out. Well I say run out, but inevitably "death" is what we consider the end of time, at least the share that we have physically on earth. But let's not get too technical, or religious, as that's not what I'm here to discuss. 

It is possible to lose time, it's definitely possible to waste it, although I don't believe we waste as much as we think or say. Truly, the only time I consider wasted, is the time we don't spend with love in our hearts. Most time is spent worrying about things that have no eventual value for our humanity, or the people around us, for example, money, materials, worrying about the past, the future, and most importantly the things we can't control.  But what is most ironic about that, well if you don't already know by now, you can't control time. Time is something we made up, I mean the original people on earth, who ever you believe that to be, I'll let science talk for that one, had no care for time, at least until they figured out, that they were dying, and that they should probably manage their time better, to figure out things to advance civilization more adequately for the next in line.

So with that being said, I often find myself thinking what is the best way to spend my time. Often I source my time, to acoustics, writings, reading, visuals, on spare time at least, on a more busier note, work for money when available, family & friends. But who cares right? Using your senses for time, doesn't everyone do that, yes indeed they do, but do they use them in a way that is self gratifying, maybe not so much. 

No matter how you spend your time, there is only one way, that the time you spend here on this tiny earth, actually means something. At least I've figured out this very logic through my life, and the people in it.  That the only way, to actually appreciate time, is by love, loving it, loving all of it.

Imagine spending time doing things you don't love to do, that should be easy right? Yes, because unfortunately we don't live in a "pleasantville" type of environment all the time, (if you haven't seen that film, you should check it out)... Life forces us to do things that are unfamiliar to the heart, things we don't always desire or care to do, but must do to conform, build, and create a better life, sometimes that time is even spent doing things we think are good, but are bad, or vice versa.

With that being said, the time we do have is our responsibility to decipher, make, fill-in, create, and most importantly enjoy. At times it may seem impossible, but at the end, you can't say you didn't have all the time in the world, because quite frankly you had the same opportunity of the chance of time as every single thing on this planet. So really there is no excuse to not enjoy the time we have.

Time cannot be enjoyed without love, yes I have a theme of love in most of my writings, but there is no greater characteristic on this earth, that makes everything and creates anything, even time itself. 

In order to truly grasp the sense of time that we have, one must appreciate the love they have in spending it doing whatever it is that they believe is worthy of the seconds that build the minutes, the hours, days, years, life it self.  All this life is worth is the time we have, so the next time you are sitting complaining about something being a waste of time, ask yourself, am I really wasting time, or am I not appreciating the love that the time has built for you to realize you have time to do whatever it is, even if at times it seems wasteful.  Remember that when something seems to be a waste of time, it is usually because you have not looked at how the time is being spent, most importantly you haven't loved the way you can.  As I'm sure you wouldn't consider love being a waste of time, what else would have given you the time, to love in such a timeless fashion.


MK. 15'

Monday, February 9, 2015

The Embraced Path

Let me start by saying that I, am forever grateful for all my experiences in life.  My time here has been nothing short of that. I have learned so much, and have gone through things that have taught me so much about me, my life, and the people that surround me.  I must say that although many things seemed to not work out over the past few months, a lot of things did, and I made it happen.  To be honest, I took one of the biggest risks of my life, to come try a new career, and see what it had to offer.  Little did I know how much I would take away from the experience and also what my destiny here would be.

I moved away on my own once again, to give it a shot, and a chance of a lifetime.  I started selling cars, doing bail bonds, meeting new people, and was surrounded by people that truly cared for me.  Although at times, we had our downs, I have gained a new family here, and for that I must say, the experience was a memorable one for sure.  It is something I will forever cherish for being a path that gave me so much, and a new outlook on life all at the same time.

I wanted to write this to shine light on risks you must take to figure out your journey.  At the start of every path I have taken, I have had a clear choice on what to do, and although the consequences are not clear, the choices are.  Life is funny, because we are taught in order to be mature you must understand consequences, but most of the time, consequences are only seen when you live them out.  I have been through so much here, from learning new ways to live, to arresting people and putting them in jail, to wearing bulletproof vests, selling cars, taking repossessed vehicles, I've done it all.  Yes, Mike did all that!!! A lot of people asked me if I enjoyed it, why I was doing such work, all I could tell them was one thing, It was something that caught my attention at a time where many were failing.  Opportunity is everything in life, and I felt very comfortable taking the risk at the time.  Although the risk wouldn't be possible without thanking my friends here, (they know who they are), I took it on my own, I put myself out here, I trained, and took initiative to do what I could to improve the business around me on all aspects.

I believe I did my best here, I know I did all I could, and dedicated as much time as I could when it was needed.  I embraced the people around me, as they did the same, and I treated everyone with respect, and love. This gave me a purpose, and something to work for, a dream, a lesson, a way of life that gave me much more than I first expected when I opened the door.

All this gave me the opportunity to focus on myself and my self growth over the 8 months here, where I figured out that I was ready for more.  Somewhere in life where I have always excelled at, is knowing when I have done all with a certain path.  I have figured out that many don't seem to understand how I do it.  But I am here to explain that, when I feel I have exhausted all my options at being successful at what I am doing, or a certain place in life where I can no longer grow, I am ready for whats next.  I can't say that I know whats next, I rarely ever do, I just take my paths carefully; so I am sure I will make the right choice whenever it shows its face.

As a friend once told me, "You are someone that adapts so quickly, and is willing to learn and take all you learn, to make things better for everyone around you, people will always see that".  I think on what my friend told me and think of all the times I sit and think about making that happen.  But its important to remember that when I know its time, I will make that happen for myself.  So with all being said, I am closing this chapter to say this, It is time to adapt, take what I've learned here, and make MYSELF better, so that during my next path; I can do the same for everyone around me, and most importantly smile while I'm doing it.

Life stops for no one.

Thank you for everything,

Richie, Russ, Oscar, PJ, Jamie, Heather, Eddie.

Most of all,

Thank you to all that have continued being by my side.


MK     15'

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Take a moment

We try everyday to figure out how to live out our moments.  Asking and looking to each other for advice, and comfort, and most importantly the company we can offer each other.  I have seen over time, that the longer our days become, the more we look down at the time, the more we concern each other about what is, or what isn’t, the more we forget about whats here, what we truly share.  

Given the situations we share, the experiences, the changes we have to incur in our lives, which have either an immediate or delayed impact on our lives, I can definitely say that most of the time, it’s not our fault, at least at the moment of action.  But after realizing how things can go the other direction, for things that have never brought you happiness, but short reward, for things that have given you promise, but only limited fulfillment, for things that give you a way of life, for now, but not for later.  We can completely be shocked at what occurs, when we start to lose touch with what is truly important to our happiness, which usually has nothing to do with the things we are chasing. 

The important thing to remember is that, when you're not feeling any obligations, when you're not tied down to a situation, or anything that can pre-occupy your mind for that moment in time, it is only then when you truly realize what truly makes you happy.  It’s hard to notice must I remind you.  Our lives mold with so many things, that claim to be the catapults of the way we should define ourselves.  Our mind then feels the need to dedicate all our strength and power to those things or people, so that we are so-called successful.  But why, if all those things are things that were earned, when the things that come naturally are the things that were given to you by higher power.  Those are the things that define us, those are the reasons we are who were are, why we love, why we desire, dream, and build courage for the next day, the next person we meet.  It is the random things in life that we ignore, instead we are built more on a schedule in our generation, and in this schedule we forget about random acts of kindness, and love, instead we pay attention to the clock, when that person is late to the meeting, when someone comments on your picture on social media.  We lack so much for the brains we have, and although we have progressed to build massive ways to help lives, I am for certain we are forgetting about building on the power of what and who we are, lovers, care givers, kind, we are humans in case you forgot.

But with that being said, our scheduled and systematic lives are putting so much in jeopardy each day for us. Thats not the scary part of it all, the scary part if you wonder, is the fact that many of us don’t even notice or acknowledge the lack of humanity as a problem.

I believe the most important thing is to figure out what is truly important to you if you were to picture everything that has been given to you, gone.  What would you have left, what would you strive towards then, what would give you purpose to bring on the next day, the next hour, the next minute.  What in life would pressure you to feel like you have a deadline, like you did when you actually had them programmed in you to perform, what would drive you to do more, and what would success mean to you if the normal successes were nonexistent.  Yea, to be technically specific here this would truly never be the case, but if you imagine life without these things, the things you have forgotten about on most days, will come to light, and will give you the opportunity to savor them in anyway you can..

All you need is a few minutes, a few hours, maybe a few days or years, but to figure out who you are, who you want to become, and who you love, is incomparable to the things society tells you, builds you, makes you, and drives you to be who you are. 

Take a moment and embrace the real life for a little, is all I ask…

It will go a long way for you, it will show you, how life should be…


