Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The Controversies of Society...

 In today’s world the driving force of creating and destroying life is not religion, nor politics, or sexual reproduction, it can’t be seen, and is one of the most complicated system’s in the universe, it weighs only three pounds, and everyone has one.  The brain, is responsible for everything we see as humans, both internally and externally, as it is the single most important thing in a human’s existence, the driving force for life, as we know it today.  With out this life would stop for humans, it would be a universe of no knowledge, no ideas, no creation, imagination or dreams, life would be boring, the world would not be the same.  We are special to have such an intriguing organ, as it allows us to love and hate each other and our surroundings until it dies out, and this is why the world turns, as we all know it today bringing forever the controversies of society.

            Society today has much to talk about, many are concentrating on what they believe is a higher power, and some are more worried only on what they see.  In most cases these beliefs, which are most of the time followed by some action, are based on prior events, or word of mouth transactions, which is understandable, as communication is one of the most important aspects of human development.  Some of these topics that I have seen first hand in my life mostly include, Race (color and cultural background), Religion (heaven in opposition to. hell), and sexual orientation (straight vs. gay).  These all have had a huge impact on my entire generation, but most of all I have experience with each one, and believe all have had an everlasting touch on my life, most importantly my future.

            The controversy of race in today’s world has probably affected the entire population, all 6.8 Billion.  This is a major factor of people’s lives as the world population is growing an estimated 140 million people per year, and immigration is entirely a growing trend in every country.  In my life, I have been part of my own controversy, and have seen it through the eyes of a diverse Cuban-American man, that has been part of the culture of the city of Miami, and also the towns of the South Carolina.  I can attest by saying that my culture in a bigger city was vibrant, and as I moved to a place in which Spanish-speaking people are not abundant, I took a major step back in time, which felt uncomfortable. People have the urge to single things out, call out something new, and in my eyes without trying to understand the thing or person, they would rather abolish it in most cases.  Of course this is all dependent to where you are and what culture background you are dealing with.  This is why I believe the most important thing about this issue is the consequences behind it, we have been through slavery, and now call ourselves equal, but society will never be equal, instead it could be understood, or learned, as if studying or reading a novel.  This is vivid portion of my maturity and for some it may be the same, but for most I see, I see a downgrade to childish thinking and mind bending actions, as society can only move on from here by allowing the door the open, that door is the mind.

In today’s world religion is a very sensitive topic, which also affects every person living today in some shape or form.  Religion is the worship of a god, or the belief of a higher power beyond himself or herself.  Religion has been a front-runner in almost every controversial topic in recent history.  For example our war in the middle east, are against fundamentalists that live and die for their religion.  Religion is a touchy subject because it is deep rooted in a person’s culture and roots, which means it is sometimes’ untouchable, in other words they believe what they do and that’s final, any thing else is phony information.  Of course there are ups and downs to this, as a person can gain so much by believing in their religion, but can also loose so much by channeling in only on what they have been told, which can close them in a box for a lifetime.  This is a problem you see again and again, although religion is a key to a person’s dedication to one’s self and others, religion can also show destruction of people, it gives away to divisions of society’s and also makes people choose sides.  The key point to religion is finding out what happens to one after life, (the after life), but the main problem is, would people believe what they claim they did if they were told differently from birth.  This is proof that religion is in- bedded in most cases, and very few choose their own path, which shows the true problems behind this controversial topic of society.

            Society and its desire for sexual pleasure or acceptance, has been part of human’s since existence, as it is this that allows for reproduction and population growth.  This is not the controversial part of the issue, the issue today is based merely on cultural differences, religion and personal beliefs that carry individuals to decide what they believe makes them happy.  People in today’s world have an increased tolerance to differences in the sexual world, but it still remains one of the hardest to accept out of everything else, simply because it has not been the norm in most or even all cultures around the world to be part of the homosexual, bi-sexual or trans -sexual community.  The growing trend is due to the fact that the population of this community is growing in numbers that many did not expect, and since these numbers are growing, in order for things to go somewhat as people are use to, acceptance is now an option many are taking.  This increase, has led to a marketing effort from companies, politicians, government agencies, etc, and by lending a hand (in most cases) it helps the boundaries between the sexual communities to be closer and closer through the years.  Although still a un natural norm to most, it is in my eyes something that is expected, something that is dealt with, no matter the beliefs, and continuing to strive towards rights for all people that are part of these communities; to eventually push to be part of not a minority but a whole community of equal people.

            In conclusion, it is not definitive what topics are going to come up in the future; society simply has too much intelligence to not debate controversial issues between them.  It is back to the simple concept that one must learn in order to understand another’s view point, another’s belief system, and in order for topics to be understood one must have the open door to allow the opportunity to come naturally, and not force the issue.  This in my eyes is nearly impossible to have the entire society follow this process, but if one person does it, you can be assured another will follow, and the process will span across the globe easier than ever before.  Equality on these issues will never be touched, but if we touch one another with a sense of understanding, the world will forever be a better place.

*To all who are lost in this world...

MAK September 10'

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